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Search Entity  ?  Search for Broadcasts by Enterprise or Individual .

For eg:Super search - [ Search All Entities excluding Individuals ], Large Enterprises, Medium Enterprises, Small enterprises, Universities, Communities or Individuals

Req/Offering  ?  Select whether the broadcast is of type Offering or if it's of the type Require.
For eg. a Large enterprise may Require Human Resource to fill up job positions.Similarly an Individual may Offer(ing) Himself for a Job by broadcasting his resume.

Search Category  ?  Select the Category - eg. Are you searching for Products or Human Resource or used products etc etc.. ?

   Search Type  ?  There are 4 Categories of Search available.
1) Search by Keywords that have been broadcast.Eg Show me books with key word "Enterprise Architecture".
2) Search by Company name.Eg Show me Jobs/News by a by particular company like "IBM" .
3) Search by Broadcast Content. Eg show me all broadcasts in the used products category which contains the word "mobile Phone"
4)Search the Web.Eg Show me "Deutsche Bank" website

City/State[Optional]  ?  If you wish to search at city or state level ,Type in your city or State name.
Eg show me all events/exhibitions in "California"

Clear Search eg Super Computers [eg:California]
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