What Are the Advantages of This Kind of A search Engine ?
The Information that is broadcast by people or Institutions is structured in a "SMART-Intelligent" Way, for Smarter-Intelligent Search.
All the Information Broadcasts are Classified into multiple categories therefore search results are far more accurate and specific.For Eg if you are searching for books search results would only yield you links broadcast as books.
This Search Engine can work with simple Keywords or by Assisted Keywords or Both.(The Assist Feature is a Powerful tool to Broadast and Search for Information at XCritical.It is a Simulation of a Synthetic Structured Brain that assists you or Guides you in your search.)
This is a Multi Purpose Engine and a One Stop Solution.It can be used by Enterprises, Individuals, Communities and Universities for a Variety of Purposes.A Marketing Tool, A community Building Tool, Searching for Jobs, Searching Resumes online, Popularising your website, Shopping for Products, Getting Finance and Capital, Buying Selling Used Goods, Buying selling your Property or your Car and a 1000 other things.
The Cost of Registering and Broadcasting has been kept very low to allow any individual or Enterprise to Afford it.(Paid Yealy)
Though the Number of Broadcast has been limited to 8,20,50,100,125 at a time for individuals,small Enterprises,Medium Enterprises ,LargerEnterprises ,One may delete and create as many number of broadcasts as nescessary.
Unlike Advertising where - an AD broadcast has a short lifetime,at XCritical the broadcast can be kept alive for upto a Year.
Information can be Broadcast and Searched at any Geographic Zone (At a Continent Level ,at Country level and at City/State or village level)
Structured approaches can yield very relevant Information.The Assisted search feature is Innovative and very strong tool.Though it is still in a Beta version ,the later versions would make it far more accurate.
It also is integrated with a websearch engine.When sufficient Broadcast Search Results are not available,the Web Search Engine fires and Displays results.
All Broadcast Data is "Real Time" Data.Once Broadcast -the Broadcast data is available live on the Search Engine.
Unlike the Internet search engines which scan and store a lot of junk and Spam Data from the internet, the Data at XCritical is always upto date and fresh.The moment the data is irrelevant it can be deleted by the individual or the enterprise at the click of a button.Additionally Data is also automatically deleted from the Broadcasting engines once the broadcast expiry date is reached.
XCritical is good at handling queries where the infomation requested is live (latest) information for eg Show me "Enterprise Architecture" jobs posted in August 2011.
XCritical is also very good at handling queries where the infomation requested is Geography specific. for eg Show me "Enterprise Architecture" jobs in the State of "CALIFORNIA" or country "USA".
XCritical is a "Two way" system.For eg an Individual may search for jobs or his resume may be searched on XCritical to offer him a job. Another example is an individual may broadcast for a financal loan and a bank could reach out to him, or else the indvidual could search for a Bank offering loans.
XCritical Search Engine Displays the Details (Nos of Employees, Target City, Transaction Cost) about the Broadcasting Firm or the Individual along with the broadcast link, so this helps users search and click on links they find suitable.
XCritical Search Engine Displays the Total Number of Views or Clicks on every link.It can be used to measure the effectiveness of your broadcast.
What Are the Innovations Incorporated into XCritical ? - For the Technically Inclined
First fundamental innovation is that XCritical is primarily a Structured Data Paradigm.It works on structured Meta Data - Data about your enterprise or products or service etc. This allows XCritical to help search only critical data rather than Junk unstructured data on the Internet.
Second - XCritical uses Intelligent design of Data and Intelligent Design of Interfaces.(T&C Vectors TEFS Algorithms or Fractal Engineering Principles)
Third - XCritical uses a Dual Interface( Primary + Secondary) technique to collect User Input. The primary Interfaces - allow human readable and understandable Input.The secondary Interface uses Machine Codification of Human Inputs(Assisted - Artificial Synthetic Inputs). Just like the way, Compilers convert programing languages into Machine Instructions understandable by the Micro processor, The Secondary interfaces help you "THINK" in a structured manner and your "synthetic" input is understood by the XCritical machine.This Special Input technique has characteristics of Artificial Intelligence.ie The Assisted inputs in the form of a secondary Interface have been designed to simulate the thinking of a structured brain which has knowledge of diverse domains.
Fourth - The entire Range of the Industrial Spectrum has been accomodated into the design of XCritical.(Aviation ... to Software)
Fifth - It's Artificially Intelligent.ie The more data people and enterprises broadcast, the more it learns, and the more it learns, the more questions it answers. There are other Artificial Intelligence Extensions planned for the Future.
Sixth - it maps - Every Continent, Every country, Every city or Village in it's interface, combined with the dimensions of Time.This creates a totally "Connected" and "Integrated" world. Physicsts may recollect the "Space Time" Construct.This is Applied Physics !
Seventh - it Factorizes the World into Entities - Large-medium small enterprises, Universities, Communities and individuals.This kind of "Factorization" helps in asserting the genuineness of the the source.!
Eighth -Data on the Internet is a lot of junk and spam, while the data on XCritical is always cleansed and upto date.The Broadcast data is only Relevant Data.
Ninth -XCritical by design, controls the amount of data that is broadcast but increases the chances of a hit because it has 5 Types of Search Variations in an all integrated Intelligent Search Engine.By probability Theory - for every Broadcast there are - 6 ways your broadcast can be found or reached . [ 3(keywords - including assisted keywords ) + 1(search by company name) + 1( Broadcast content search) + 1 (web search engine)]
Finally XCritical integrates with 3rd party websites redirecting and passing search keywords as parameters, such that items searched on XCritical can be searched and found on other websites like eBay etc.It also allows skype integration to allow individuals or information seekers to call Broadcasting entities through SKYPE.
To Learn more about other Innovations and Future possibilities ,read the Enterprise Handbook
T&C Vectors - The IQ Shift - [Breaking the Intelligence Quotient Barriers]