XCritical Help ™
Critical Information Alerts, Exclusive Trusted E2E Messaging, Strategic Intelligence .

XCritical Intelligence
XCritical Search

How Xcritical works?

The Xcritical Section Consists of 3 Core Sections

  • Section 1: Xcritical Alerts: XCritical Registered Users may login and register for Alerts of Critical and Vital Information.
  • Section 2 is a Private secure messaging system for Enterprises, Universities and Communities. Enterprises may publicly broadcast their Xcritical ID, which is available at the Xcritical Alerts Registration Page. Other enterprises registered on XCritical may use the publicly broadcast XcritialID's to send Private emails through the Xcritical Trusted Secure Messaging Channel. This Facility is not available to Individuals. This secure mesaging channel eliminates spam.
  • Section 3 is: Intelligence Reports : This feature would be available in the Future.