XCritical Now™ is a Web service Designed to facilitate live Location Based search Services.Enterprises and Individuals are free to create and sell Applications using the XCritical Now™ search Services. Applications can be Windows 7 phone,Android or any other technology on devices such as smart phones or Tablets with "GPS-Global Positioning system" capability. GPS is the Core of the Application.The live GPS Coordinates are sent to the search engine for the location based search.
using com.inter_xect.www; // Add a Web reference in your search Engine.
with the following web reference URL:http://www.XCritical.com/Now/now.asmx
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page {
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ Now ts1 = new Now(); XmlNode currentXmlNode; currentXmlNode = ts1.SearchProductorServices(56.2345560,-122.2345670,Radiustype.ThreeHundredmeters,"Universities","Key"); Traverse the Nodes and show results(max 100 results). }
[ upto 300 meters scan ="ThreeHundredMeters" ], [ upto 600 meter scan ="SixHundredMeters"], [ upto 1000 meters scan ="OneThousandMeters" ], [ upto 5000 Meters Scan = "FiveThousandMeters"]. [ upto 10000meter scan = "TenThousandMeters" ], [ upto 20000 meter scan ="TwentyThousandMeters"], [ upto 40000 meter scan ="FortyThousandMeters "], [ upto 60000meter scan ="SixtyThousandMeters"] The Search Engine API finds you a maximum "TOP" 100 Results for the search Query. Test API Key : "abcde12345" write in to post[at]tcvectors.com for obtaining your application key. check the Webservices desciption language to get all values There must be a Mention of T&C Vectors XCritical-Now™ on the search screen.It may be placed anywhere on the screen,even at the bottom.