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How XCritical Works - A Video

Map based Search are Fantastic Tools for locating Real World Places, however they are a static solution and fail under certain circumstances, where Real world Live Information is an Important factor or Parameter in our search or Query.

  • e.g Searching for nearby Movie Theatres is easily possible on a Map service/Digital Map, however, How do you find out Live information about the Movies Running at the Theatre right now ?
  • Similarly You might find Gas Stations on Maps, But how do you find out Live Gas/Petrol Prices at the Station ?
  • Can you Find out a House for Rent on Maps in any given Locality or within a radius of 3 km from any given location ?
  • Can you Find out the Live Discounts or Mega Sales happening around in your locality Using Maps ?
  • Can you Find out the Live Technical or Cultural Events happening around in your locality/City Using Maps ?
  • Can you Find out the Live Part Time Jobs/ Walkin Interviews happening around in your locality/City Using Maps ?
The Answers to all the questions above is a "NO" because, Maps are a static Solution and they dont have Real world Live Information. Maps are good st showing/finding you an addresses, but they give you no further details. XCritical Now is a Real World Live Location Sensing - Solution on the Web/Smart Phone/GPS systems that facilitates getting you live contextual Information along with the Address/Location Information.

XCritical Now

XCritical Now is a solution that uses the Same Technique of "Broadcasting" used in Xcritical however while broadcasting one broadcasts "Live Important Information" along with Spatial Information like your Latitude or Longitude. ( You may find your Latitude Longitude using a Smart phone or using the Xcritical Inbuilt Web based tool - Lat Long Finder.)

Enterprises and Individuals are allowed to Make Live Broadcasts and the Maximum number of Broadcast permitted at a Time is Individual - 2, Small Enterprise - 4, Mid Enterprise-8, Large Enterprise-10, University - 6, Community - 8 .

Xcritical Solution is Available on the web/Smart phone/GPS Car Device. The Xcritical Now System senses your location and Helps you find Your Search Target within an area ranging from 1 km to 60 Km.

Can you Imagine a situation where - you are driving down to a new location, and You happen to like the Locality. You then want to find all the Houses on Rent within a radius of 5 km without going to Agents ?.

Can you Imagine a situation, where, while travelling you meet with an Accident. Can a tool help you locate the nearest emergency Help Center or a Motor Mechanic or A Doctor. ?

Can you Imagine a situation where You are travelling for an Interview or a Conference and cant find the venue ? All you need to do is try a search on Xcritical Now, and your venue shows up on the Map guiding you.

Can you Imagine a situation where You wish to go out for Shopping Today and you want to know the Best offers and Deals in your locality ? Xcritical Now Comes Handy Again.

Can you Imagine a situation where You are out to a Huge Trade fair / or a Mall and you want to find out all the stores offering good discounts. Xcritical now can pinpoint the exact location of a sale, for the Item you are looking for.

You may note that in each of the Situations above, a general Map based solution would not facilitate Live information to be searched.

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